Violence and Security

  • NY Imam Warns Followers Against Non-Muslim Connections

    March 04, 2019

    The imam of a large mosque in Queens, New York, who formerly led a South Carolina Islamic Center, has posted sermons on Facebook warning congregants against building social relationships with non-Muslims and against entrapment by US law enforcement officials aiming to penetrate Muslim religious communities.

  • IS Collapse Leaves Behind Radicalized Women

    March 01, 2019

    The final military collapse of the Islamic State (IS) in northeastern Syria has revealed large numbers of radicalized women expressing their continuing dedication to the idea of the caliphate.

  • India-Pakistan Tensions Escalate Following Kashmir Attack

    February 27, 2019

    Tensions between the nuclear states of India and Pakistan continue to escalate as India carried out a bombing raid inside Pakistan in the wake of a recent, high-casualty suicide-bombing attack in the Indo-Pak disputed territory of Kashmir perpetrated by a Pakistan-based jihadist group.

  • Intel Report: Iran Uses GPS Kits to Target Israel

    February 22, 2019

    According to a recent intelligence report by the British Israel Communication and Research Centre, Iran is transferring in suitcases GPS devices that can be weaponized for precision missile technology capable of striking Israel.

  • American IS Brides Seek Repatriation to US

    February 20, 2019

    Two American women who traveled to Syria to support the Islamic State (IS) and married IS fighters now seek repatriation to the US after surrendering to anti-IS coalition forces, spotlighting concerns about radicalization and security associated with returning American citizens who collaborated with the jihadist organization.

  • EU Legislation Targets Threats Posed by Returning Fighters

    February 20, 2019

    Politico reports that the European Commission is working to advance legislation tightening EU regulation of the purchase of household products that could be used to create explosives, as the bloc’s officials move to tackle threats posed by the return to Europe of hundreds of jihadists who fought for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

  • Anti-IS Forces Capture “English Voice of IS”

    February 20, 2019

    The capture by anti-Islamic State (IS), US-supported militia in northern Syria of a Canadian citizen known as the “English voice of IS” for his narration of an extensive repertoire of videos for the jihadist group has revealed the sophisticated messaging and global scope of IS’s media wing.

  • Jihadism Trends Toward Local Strategies of Influence-Building

    February 20, 2019

    Current indicators in Sunni jihadism indicate a trend similar to Shiite jihadism, with a shift away from a focus on top-down strategies of transnational violence and terrorist operations to an emphasis on national and local agendas aimed at building grassroots networks of support for Islamism in society and politics.

  • Islamist Terror Attack in Kashmir Raises India-Pakistan Tensions

    February 15, 2019

    A mass-casualty suicide bombing attack on a convoy of Indian paramilitary forces in Kashmir by militant, pro-Pakistan Islamist group Jaish-e-Muhammad, or Army of Mohammed, has ratcheted up tensions in South Asia between the two nuclear states.

  • Pregnant British Teen Requests Return to Britain

    February 14, 2019

    A 19-year-old, pregnant British teen who went to Syria to support the Islamic State (IS) is seeking to return to the UK but declaring no remorse for supporting the caliphate, raising red flags for British authorities whose concerns reflect the broader reintegration risks associated with IS supporters as they try to return to their Western countries of origin.

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