Global Political Islam

  • Blair: Bio-Terror, Ungovernable Spaces, and Ideological Dedication Are Islamist’s Weapons

    September 13, 2021

     Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair told the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in a speech marking the 20th anniversary of Al-Qaeda's 9/11 attacks on the United States that radical Islamism remains a first-order threat to world security, and warned Western democratic governments to plan for Islamist threats in the form of biological weapons of terror attacks, state corrosion and ungovernable spaces due to Islamist violence.

  • Turkey's Judiciary Shows Signs of Shift to Islamic Jurisprudence

    September 13, 2021

    The high-profile presence and vocal interventions of Turkey's chief imam Ali Erbas, who heads the state's Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), offering a prayer at the annual opening of the country's Court of Cassation signals the ongoing Islamization of the state, and conforms to Erbas' public pronouncements about the logic of applying Islamic jurisprudence to regulate all aspects of social life.

  • Security Experts Pessimism over Post-9/11 Record of Pushback Against Jihadism

    September 13, 2021

    International security experts with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars evaluated trend lines since the 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks on the US and expressed pessimism about the past record and medium-term future of pushback against the global expansion of political Islamism and jihadism, highlighting the worldwide expansions of Islamist ideology through the use of social media and cyber platforms.

  • Intel Networks Deployed by Turkey Across Eurasia to Silence Opponents of Islamist Regime

    September 08, 2021

    From Europe to Central Asia, Turkey is using a network of corruption of local officials and intelligence gathering via Ankara-funded mosques and businessmen's associations to target actual and suspected opponents of the NATO-member's Islamist regime, including abductions, renditions, and online intimidation tactics deployed against Turkish citizens as well as citizens of other countries.

  • Taliban Financing Relies on Narcotics, Extortive Taxes, External Support

    September 08, 2021

    The Atlantic Council writes that the Taliban relies on an extensive regional and transnational network of primarily illicit activities to fund its Islamist militant activities, including revenues from narcotics trafficking, supplemented by extortive and arbitrary domestic taxes and revenue streams from shell companies abroad that deal in construction and other infrastructure sectors. 

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