Global Political Islam

  • Turkey Signals Readiness for Cooperation with Taliban

    August 25, 2021

    Turkey has signaled the will to cooperate with the Taliban within the existing parameters of the three-year-old Strategic Partnership and Friendship Agreement signed between Ankara and the now-overturned Kabul government, as Turkey's president declared the shared ideological perspective of the NATO member and and a desire to develop military cooperation.

  • Syria's Main Islamist Group Continues Jihadist War, Celebrating Taliban Victory

    August 25, 2021

    Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the main Islamist extremist group aiming to set up an Islamic emirate in northern Syria and Iraq, is celebrating the Taliban victory in Afghanistan with propaganda posts and on-the-ground offensives that belie the group's leaders recent diplomatic moderation aimed at normalizing relations with the United States.

  • Globalization of Sharia Law Reflected in Variety of Islamist Regimes

    August 25, 2021

    The globalization of sharia law as a system of governance, family law, financial and judicial practice is reflected in the diversity and scope of Islamists regimes across the world, and the Taliban's victory in Afghanistan will add another Islamic state to the growing range of sharia state and non-state actors.

  • Afghanistan's Jihadist Geopolitics Offer Foreboding

    August 25, 2021

    The Guardian reports that the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is creating a geospace for jihadist competition among a range of Islamist extremist groups including al-Qaida, IS, and a diversity of sub-groups, whose short-term political-military jockeying for turf will be outweighed by the global destabilization caused by their ideological consensus and operational collaboration.

  • Afghanistan Offers New Homeland for Worldwide Jihadism

    August 24, 2021

    The New Yorker reports that the Taliban victory in Afghanistan will make the country a homeland for worldwide jihadist groups already celebrating the victory of militant Islamism against $1 trillion US investment and a 20-year military presence by Western coalition forces, and international security experts concur that Al Qaeda (AQ) will use Afghanistan for recruitment and terrorist operations against US assets in the homeland and abroad.

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