Afghanistan Set to Become Islamist State as Taliban March Continues
August 13, 2021
According to The Guardian, the Taliban military blitzkrieg across Afghanistan continues with the capture of the country's second and third largest cities and all provincial capitals, with security experts predicting that the country's capital could fall within 30 days, making it inevitable that the geopolitically critical South Asian country will become a hardline Islamist state.
Taliban in Afghanistan Imposing Islamist Limitations on Women's Rights to Work
August 13, 2021
The Taliban’s territorial gains across Afganistan have already had deleterious effects on women's rights to work, as militants have ordered men to permanently replace female bankers in the country's second largest city, justifying that imposing a fundamentalist sharia system means there will be « no problems ».
Al Qaeda Launches Lethal Terrorist Attack on Syrian State Forces in Damascus
August 12, 2021
Al Qaeda (AQ) carried out a lethal explosives attack against Syrian military forces in the country’s capital of Damascus, with the AQ disseminating images of the attack on social media sites.
Spreading Jihadism in Africa Provokes US Terrorism Designations
August 11, 2021
Reacting to the steady expansion of jihadism across all regions of Africa, the US State and Treasury Departments continue moves to combat terrorist financing, designating five individuals from IS and Al-Shabaab active in the states of Mozambique, Tanzania, and Mali as Special Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs), with the consequent blocking of the property and finances by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
Islamist Turkey Promotes Anti-Semitism & Terrorism Against Israel
August 11, 2021
Turkey’s Islamist regime continues to expand the mechanisms for promoting both anti-Semitism and terrorism against Israel, recently sponsoring an international conference in Istanbul where speakers reiterated anti-Semitic blood libel discourse used by Turkey's president.