IS Suicide Attack in Iraq Signals Continuing Resurgence in Caliphate Territories
July 27, 2021
France24 reports the Islamic State (IS) perpetrated a high-casualty suicide bombing in Iraq's capital city of Baghdad, with the Sunni jihadist group targeting Baghdad's majority-Shiite suburb of Sadr City during a Muslim holy period, in yet another sig of IS' resurgence in its core caliphate territory.
Turkey’s Anti-IS Strategy Belies Reality of Negligence Towards Jihadists
July 21, 2021
Turkey’s intelligence and security apparatus has evidenced a recent shift away from the permissive conditions allowing IS cells to operating with relative impunity from inside the NATO-member’s territory, but the recalibration is exclusively focused on preventing possible attacks inside Turkey rather than a comprehensive policy change that indicates rejection of the jihadist group’s ideology and mission.
U.S. DoJ Charges Iranian Intel Agents in Abduction Plot Against American Citizen
July 21, 2021
The US department of Justice’s (DoJ) National Security Division has indicted four Iranian intelligence agents operating inside the United States for their plan to abduct a Brooklyn-based Iranian-American journalist critical of the human rights abuses of Iran’s Islamist regime.
Morocco: Security Experts Debate Islamist Extremist Rehabilitation Strategy
July 21, 2021
Morocco has used a strategy of prison rehabilitation to reintegrate convicted Islamist extremists back into society, but leaders are debating the policy as evidence mounts that “rehabilitated” individuals are increasingly relocating to Western countries where speech and media freedoms create permissible conditions for online recruitment and ideological radicalization for transnational jihadist activities.
Troop Withdrawals from Afghanistan & Africa Represent Victories for Global Islamism
July 19, 2021
According to opendemocracy.net, the U.S. and French withdrawal of peacekeeping and stabilization forces from Afghanistan and the African Sahel region, respectively, marks a serious defeat of Western militaries by Islamist extremist groups, including the Taliban, IS, and al-Qaeda.