Global Political Islam

  • Al-Monitor: IS Penetration Into Turkey Is Extensive

    July 05, 2021

    Al-Monitor reports that the Islamic State (IS) operatives and support agents have penetrated deep into the social and political fabric of NATO’s Islamist member Turkey, due to the porousness of Turkey’s border with Iraq and Syria, the coordination failures of Turkish government agencies working in countering violent extremism, and the well-organized Turkish IS cells. 

  • Pakistan’s Islamist Authoritarianism Corrodes Human Security

    July 05, 2021

    According to The Diplomat, Pakistan’s ruling regime is combining increasingly hardline Islamist nationalism with authoritarian politics in ways that are corroding human security at home, with discriminatory sociopolitical discourse and targeted violence against non-Sunni religious minorities, coupled with anti-Semitic slogans and calls for a nuclear attack against Israel. 

  • Indonesia Introduces Official University Curriculum on Islamic Economics & Finance

    July 05, 2021

    Indonesia’s National Committee for Islamic Economy and Finance (KNEKS) is implementing a standardized curriculum on Islamic economics and finance across the secular and Islamic university system, toward the strategic goal of making the  country a leader in the $2.2 trillion global sharia economy.

  • Brit Asset Manager Launches $1Bn Sharia-Compliant Fintech Private Equity Fund

    June 30, 2021

    UK asset manager Ethost plans to raise $1billion pounds in what international finance markets anticipate as the world's largest sharia-compliant financial-technology (fintech, including blockchain, robotics, and cyber securities industries) private equity fund.

  • Iranian Elections Reveal Power of New Islamist Revolutionary Caste

    June 30, 2021

    Al-monitor reports that the election of Islamist hardliner Ebrahim Raisi as Iran’s new president makes clear that there will be no changes in the Shiite theocratic regime’s foundational ideology or policies, but more significantly, points to the growing power of a young revolutionary caste, “Hezbollahis,” committed to the continuing revolution.

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