Mideast Autocracies Focus on Education to Promote Islamism
June 25, 2021
A newly-completed comparative study by Israeli-based IMPACT-SE, a non-profit organization working on education, tolerance, and peace building, reports that Mideast autocracies are using education as a major tool for monopolizing control over religio-nationalist ideologies at home and for exporting authoritative interpretations of Islamism abroad.
Egypt’s Parliament Approves Move into Sharia Finance Market
June 25, 2021
Egypt’s parliament approved the MENA (Middle East and North Arica) country’s move to enter the $2.7 trillion international Islamic finance market with an issue of government-guaranteed Islamic bonds to finance national development and infrastructure.
Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Kingdom Increase
June 25, 2021
According to the Middleeasteye.net, the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) has called out the Saudi Kingdom for its widespread violations of rights to freedom of expression aimed at silencing all criticism of the authoritarian ruling regime.
Jerusalem Post: Turkish State Weaponizes Islamism to Assassinate Women Activists
June 23, 2021
According to The Jeruselem Post, the Turkish state is using Islamism to silence women in politics and public activism by sponsoring a growing number of targeted assassinations of Kurdish women inside Turkey and abroad, including accusations of sending assassins to target women activists from Syria to France.
Cryptocurrencies Politicized by Islamic Scholars
June 23, 2021
According to bitcoinmarketjournal.com, financial prediction about the growth of digital assets among the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims remains uncertain for the near term future due to the fact that the position of Bitcoin and other digital assets in Islamic finance remains largely dependent on Islamic cleric’s rulings on sharia copatability.