Global Political Islam

  • Robust Growth Projected for Islamic Finance Industry

    May 12, 2021

    Standard & Poor (S & P) global credit ratings giant projects that the Islamic finance industry will show robust 10-12% annual growth rates over the next two years, reaching $3.8 trillion in total assets worldwide by 2023, expanding sharia-compliant/compatible products and services in Muslim-majority and Western countries.

  • Islamists Destabilize Geopolitics of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India

    May 12, 2021

    The Taliban is poised to maximize their strategic objectives in the geopolitically crucial South Asian triangle of Afganistan, Pakistan, and India as the US troops withdraw from Afghanistan, with expected increases in transborder jihadist activities, including military strikes.

  • Islamist Militants Kill Malawian Peacekeeper in Congo

    May 11, 2021

    In the most recent Jihadist attacks that are destabilizing East-Central Africa, militants from the IS-affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed a Malawian peacekeeper and other civilians in an attack on a village near the country's border with Uganda.

  • Jihadist Militants in Mali Kidnap French Journalist

    May 06, 2021

    A French journalist working with the international non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders has been abducted by an al-Qadea affiliated jihadist group in Mali, the latest incident in jihadist groups' targeting of journalists as part of the expanding operational footprint of Islamist extremists across Africa's Sahel region.

  • Turkey-AQ Human Rights Violations in Syria Reflect Transnational Islamist Collaboration

    May 04, 2021

    In a report released by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, the human rights violations and broader destabilization of security environments associated with transnational Islamist extremist networks is reflected in the support of Turkey for the Al-Qaeda (AQ) affiliated militia that is perpetrating religious cleansing and rights atrocities in the Turkish occupation zone of northern Syria.

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