Global Political Islam

  • Pakistan’s Islamists use Holocaust to Push Blasphemy Against Islam

    Seth J. Frantzman

    April 27, 2021

    The Jerusalem Post reports that the recent anti-French protests across Pakistan by Islamist extremist group Tehreek-e-Labbaik, for what they condemn as blasphemy against Islam’s prophet Mohammed to justify last year’s murder of a French school teacher, is following a common trope whereby Islamist regimes and jihadist non-state groups use the Holocaust, equating their demand from Western countries to impose blasphemy laws against Islam with Holocaust denial laws, while simultaneously supporting Holocaust denial under Islamist regimes.

  • IS Attacks in West Africa Damage Soft Targets, Generate Refugees & IDPs

    April 27, 2021

    The jihadist branch of Islamic State active across multiple states in West Africa (ISWAP) launched a recent round of attacks against soft targets in Nigeria, including a clinic and police station, generating civilian casualties, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and cross-border refugee flows into Niger.

  • Government Negotiates with Islamist Militants in Pakistan

    April 27, 2021

    France24 reports that radical Islamist group Tehreek-e-Labbai Pakistan (TLP), a designated terrorist organization, flexed its muscle over the past week of anti-French protests, forcing the Islamabad government to negotiate in its demands for retribution for the Charlie Hebdo magazine cartoons of Islam's prophet Mohammed, having held eleven police officers hostage.

  • Turkey Threatens Western Allies Over Armenian Genocide Recognition

    April 27, 2021

    The U.S. recognition this past weekend of the Armenian Genocide throws down a the geopolitical gauntlet to Turkey as the Islamist regime, which has already formed economic and military relations with rogue states like Iran, has long threatened its Transatlantic allies that America’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide would provoke Ankara's turn away from the Western Alliance. 

  • Latest Civilian Casualties Underscore Islamist Insurgency in Thailand

    April 27, 2021

    In the latest casualties in the ongoing Islamist insurgency that frequently targets Buddhists and Christians, three civilians were killed in a drive-by shooting attributed to Islamist militants involved in a low-level conflict with the government of Thailand.

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