Global Political Islam

  • Tensions Escalate Between Leading OIC Islamist Regimes

    April 21, 2021

    Geopolitical factors are producing an escalation in tensions within the 57-member-state Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are at odds over India's annexation of the region of Kashmir, bilateral oil-and-loan agreements between Islamabad and Riyadh, and over Saudi Arabia's treatment of the sizable Pakistan guest worker population in the Gulf kingdom.

  • IS Remains Active Security Threat in Egypt, Targets Christians

    April 21, 2021

    The Islamic State’s (IS) branch in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula remains an active security threat to the country, with Egyptians Christians particularly at risk as targets for the jihadists.

  • Pakistan Blasphemy Case Against Christian Nurses Reiterates Targeted Use of Islamism

    April 19, 2021

    Two Christian nurses accused of blasphemy against Islam for their cleaning work in a hospital, have been arrested following bodily attack by an Islamist-party mob, the latest episode in Pakistan's sustained record of targeted and arbitrary deployment of Islamic blasphemy laws against the Southwest Asian country's religious minority citizens.

  • Islamists Destabilize Pakistan, Threaten French Nationals

    April 19, 2021

    One of Pakistan's hardline Islamist parties, Tehreek-e-Labiak Pakistan (TLP), has spearheaded days of violent protests against the French government for last year's controversies over cartoons of Islam's prophet Mohammed, calling for a boycott of French products and threatening French nationals working in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

  • The National Review: Vitality of Global Islamism Relies on Infrastructure in the West

    April 14, 2021

    The globalized network of radical Islamist groups depends and thrives on a complex support infrastructure based in Western countries and often operating in plain sight, including accounting and banking entities, law firms and lobbying groups, as well as youth movements and voluntary associations.

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