Global Political Islam

  • Reintegration Strategy for Boko Haram Deserters Challenge for West Africa

    April 02, 2021

    State leaders across West Africa face complex policy challenges with strategic implications in regard to reintegration mechanisms for deserters from Boko Haram jihadist cells, as deradicalization and social integration requires a combined local and regional approach

  • The Diplomat: Afghanistan's Intellectuals become Islamist Targets

    March 30, 2021

    The Diplomat reports that the UN and Afghan human rights experts are warning that Islamist extremist groups over the past year have increased targeted assassinations, kidnappings, and extra-judicial killings of Afghanistan's intellectual class, in a campaign designed to silence debate and contestation.

  • Saudi Arabia’s Campaign in Middle America

    March 30, 2021

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has hired an Iowa-based lobbying and public relations firm to build Saudi influence across middle America and to rebrand the KSA as a purveyor of "moderate Islam cooperating in the war on Islamist terror" as well as an essential investor in America's higher education, commercial, and arms sectors.

  • Jihadist Groups Wary of China's Global Geopolitical Assertiveness

    March 30, 2021

    Various Jihadist groups are in opposition to China's assertive global geopolitical dominance, as China's Belt and Road Initiative (BR)I) and its repression of Uighur Muslims has intensified regional and international jihadists organizations awareness of Chinese soft and hard targets domestically and internationally. 

  • Bangladesh: 14 Islamists Receive Death Sentence for PM Assassination Plot

    March 30, 2021

    Prosecutors in a special tribunal in Bangladesh meted out the death sentence to members of an outlawed Islamist militant group held responsible for an assassination attempt two decades ago against the country's prime minister, signaling the Dhaka government sees the Islamist group as a security threat.

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