Global Political Islam

  • U.S. Federal Court Schedules Trial for IS “Beatles” Jihadis

    March 17, 2021

    A federal court in Virginia announced a trial date for the two British men in US custody who were part of a UK jihadi cell known as “the Beatles,” charged with torturing and beheading of American and European hostages in IS caliphate territory in Syria, images that were posted online by the perpetrators as recruitment propaganda. 

  • Qatar Accelerating Sharia Banking in Non-Muslim Countries

    March 10, 2021

    Islamic banking unitary experts are pointing to Qatar’s Islamic theocracy as a key player in the accelerated expansion of sharia-based banking to non-Muslim-majority countries, highlighting the importance of standardized sharia compliance platform and the separation of sharia and conventional transactions.

  • Debate: Repatriation & Reintegration of IS Prisoners

    March 10, 2021

    Policy and political debates about the status and threat level of Islamic State (IS) fighters and families in Syrian and Iraqi detention camp are beginning to focus on lessons learned from disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs applied to other violent extremist groups.

  • UN: Taliban Consolidating Power Over Jihadists in Central Asia

    March 10, 2021

    The UN Security Council has released a report that the Taliban has consolidated its control inside Afghanistan over the local al Qaeda affiliate, as well as within key jihadist groups operating across the geopolitically crucial states of Central Asia, highlighting the ineffectiveness of the Doha Peace Agreement brokered by the US for a Taliban-Kabul government power-sharing arrangement.

  • Sharia Banking to Expand in Australia's Mortgage Market

    March 09, 2021 reports that the new partnership between one of Australia's largest mortgage aggregators and the country's premier Islamic financial services firm is expected to generate major growth in the country's sharia-compliant mortgage finance market within the context of robust demographic and immigration trends for the Oceanic Continent. 

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