Global Political Islam

  • Egypt's Textbook Reform Highlights Islamist Radicalization

    March 02, 2021

    Egypt's Ministry of Education has begun the implementation of textbook reforms in public schools as part of a larger curricular overhaul that lays bare the Islamist radicalization potential in the education system.

  • Hezbollah’s Future in Failed Lebanese State

    March 02, 2021

    According to Lawfare, the failure of the Lebanese state has left Hezbollah with opportunities to grow due to the patronage of Syria and Iran despite the challenges it may face with the EU and U.S.’s financial and diplomatic support to Lebanon’s leaders.

  • Nine Women Arrested as Potential Islamist Suicide Terrorists

    March 01, 2021

    Nine women associated with the Philippines Islamist extremist group Abu Sayyaf have been arrested by state security forces on suspicion of their plans to execute suicide bombings as part of Abu Sayaf's ongoing campaign to promote an independent sharia state in part of the Southeast Asian island nation.

  • Turkeys Maps Underscore Geopolitics of Islamist Expansionism

    February 22, 2021

    A well-known media and construction conglomerate connected to Turkey's Islamist government has circulated maps outlining Turkey’s geopolitical sphere of influence extending from the Caucasus into Europe and North Africa.

  • National Interest: OIC Countries Prioritize China’s Money

    February 19, 2021

    Leading voices in the 57-member-state Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) declared “unwavering support” for Muslim self-determination movements in Central and South Asia, yet accept millions of dollars in Chinese monies for economic bailouts and infrastructure development through China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

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