Global Political Islam

  • Executions on the Rise in Iran

    February 10, 2021

    The Iran Human Right Monitor reports that Iran’s courts have increased death sentences that disproportionately target ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and non-violent criminals in an attempt to use executions as a tool for intimidation and silencing of any opposition or “corruption” of the regime’s Islamist power structure.  

  • Iran-Hezbollah Collaborate on Cyber Programs for Islamist Asymmetrical Warfare

    February 10, 2021

    According to a new report by Israeli experts at the ClearSky Cyber Security firm, Iran and Hezbollah have developed a multi-faced collaboration on cyber financing, technology, and capabilities, using disruption and other malign operations to wage asymmetrical warfare that support Islamist ideological and geopolitical priorities

  • IS Gains in Mozambique Highlight Goal of Capturing Natural Resource Wealth

    February 10, 2021

    The incremental territorial gains by Mozambique's local IS-affiliated militants reflects the strategic goal of full capture and control over the country's natural resources for financing jihadist operations as well as the growing collaboration between local, regional, and transnational Islamist extremist groups in expanding the geography of jihadism. 

  • US Treasury-Defense Update Reveals Key Facilitators of Global Islamist Terrorism

    February 08, 2021

    The US Treasury Department's recent update to the US Department of Defense on international terrorist financing and operations identifies Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey as key facilitators of global Islamist financing, extremism, and violence.

  • Survey Data on Iran Show Trend of Societal Demands for Reform

    February 08, 2021

    A detailed online survey on Iranians' attitudes towards religion conducted by a Dutch non-profit organization indicates widespread support for rolling back state interference in society, including an end to Islamic religious limits on individual freedoms around gender, speech, and family life, and education.

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