Global Political Islam

  • U.S. Treasury Sanctions Egyptian Terrorists Harbored by Turkey

    January 29, 2021

    The U.S. Treasury Department designation of two Turkey-based leaders of the Egypt Movement, Harakat Sawa'd Misr, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, highlights NATO-member Turkey as an active safe haven Islamist terrorist groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda, IS, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

  • Competition Aggravates Sectarian Violence in Pakistan

    January 27, 2021

    According to Modern Diplomacy, Pakistan has become a target for geopolitical and religious competition between Sunni-majority Islamist theocracies of the Arabian Peninsula and Iran's Shiite-majority Islamist theocracy, aggravating intolerance and violence as well as exposing the limits of pluralism within Islamism as a political ideology.

  • Turkey Balances Islamist Agenda Against Economic Priorities

    January 27, 2021

    Modern Diplomacy reports a recent religious ruling by Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs will approve interest rates in certain cases, highlighting the regime’s effort to balance economic priorities against broader goals of socioeconomic Islamization at home and the use of Islamist soft power in foreign policy in Europe and Asia.

  • Cryptocurrency Activity Poised to Spike in Mideast with New Bahrain

    January 27, 2021

    Cryptocurrency activity is expected to grow across the Arabian Gulf region following the Central Bank of Bahrain’s announcement of the establishment of a sharia-compliant cryptocurrency exchange, which aims to position the small Gulf Islamic theocracy as a global hub of Islamic financial technology (fintech).

  • Jihadists Use China's Repression of Uyghur’s as Mobilization Tool

    January 26, 2021

    According to Small Wars Journal, Al-Qaeda (AQ) is taking the lead with other jihadist groups to internationalize the Chinese government's repression of their Uyghur Muslim population, with AQ collaborating with the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) in China to radicalize and mobilize global jihadist support for the territorial secession and political independence of Uyghurs in what the TIP calls East Turkistan.  

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