Global Political Islam

  • OIC Secretary General Accuses Israel of Attacks on Muslim & Christian Holy Sites in Jerusalem

    February 13, 2023

    The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) used the platform of a conference at Arab League headquarters in Cairo to accuse Israel of attacks on Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, calling on high-level state attendees to support greater cooperation between the Arab League and the 57-member-state OIC towards the goal of international action to mitigate what he characterized as Israel’s attacks on freedom of worship and religious heritage of the worldwide community of Muslims.

  • Netherlands Follows Germany in Prosecution of Nationals for Crimes a Committed as Part of IS

    February 13, 2023

    Dutch prosecutors announced the forthcoming twelve women repatriated as foreign fighters for the Islamic State (IS), including one for crimes against humanity for her enslavement of Yazidi women captured by IS in Iraq, in a trial that mirrors Germany’s approach to trying its repatriated citizens for the crimes they committed as part of the IS terrorist caliphate. 

  • Swedish Security Service Warns of Increased Islamist Threat in Aftermath of Quran Burning

    February 08, 2023

    The Swedish Security Service (SAPO), responsible for counter-terrorism and counter-espionage operations in the Nordic country, is warning of a significant threat increase in the form of violent attacks by Islamist extremists retaliating for last month’s Quran-burning by a far-Right activist in front of the Turkish Embassy in Sweden, with an overall deterioration in the country’s security environment due to an associated, widespread disinformation campaign claiming that Muslim children in Sweden are at risk of kidnapping by the country’s social welfare agencies.

  • Africa Shows Increased Instability from Islamist Violence on the Upswing

    February 08, 2023

    A plethora of Islamist extremist groups is responsible for a steady increase in the incidences of violence in multiple countries and regions across the Africa in 2022, particularly in the West African and Sahelian regions and in Horn of Africa, leading to a precipitous deterioration in the security environment of the African Continent, according to new analysis by the the US National Defense University-based Africa Center for Strategic Studies. 

  • IS Khorasan Province Province Is Durable Jihadist Threat With Global Aspirations

    February 08, 2023

    The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) originated as a Afghanistan-Pakistan focused branch of the IS caliphate rooted in Iraq and Syria, and ISKP is proving both durable and ambitious as a jihadist threat, based on the violent successes of its regional operations and the sophistication of its online propaganda for recruitment towards a globalized Islamist jihad. 

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