Robust Growth for Global Islamic Finance Assets Forecast to $3.69tn By 2024
December 15, 2020
Global Islamic finance assets continue to experience strong annual growth rates, with total assets forecast to reach $3.69 trillion by 2024 on the strength of the international sharia-based banking sector.
Jihadists Kill with Impunity in Face of Nigerian State’s Failure
December 15, 2020
The New York Times reports that the recent massacre of 70 farmers in northeast Nigeria by Boko Haram resulting from military withdrawals to protect larger garrison towns highlights the jihadist group’s ability to operate with impunity and expand Islamist militant control across West Africa.
Saudi Arabia Sentences U.S. Doctor to Six Years In Prison
December 11, 2020
Saudi Arabian courts signaled that a Saudi-US national, a well known physician and social media activist, was sentenced to six years imprisonment for "illegally obtaining US citizenship".
Iran's IRGC Warns of Retaliation for Assassination of Nuclear Scientist
December 11, 2020
The Jerusalem Post reports that the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) issued a statement with a direct warning of retaliatory action against the country's "sworn enemies", deemed responsible for the recent target assassination of the Islamist regime's head nuclear scientist.
Police-Islamist Shootout in Indonesia Portends Religious Radicalization & Political Tensions
December 09, 2020
Reuters reports that tensions are increasing after police in Jakarta were attacked by bodyguards of Islamist radical cleric Rizieq Shihab, who declares the Indonesian government to be anti-Islam.