Global Political Islam

  • Singapore Deradicalization Leaders Focus on Countering Islamist Ideology as Priority for Preventing Violence

    December 09, 2020

    Leadership associated with Singapore's Religious Rehabilitation Group (RGG), a decades-old program, are calling for sustained focus on countering Islamist radicalization in educational contexts and social media platforms.

  • News.Com.AU: Australian Court Hearing Reveals IS Prison Networks

    December 07, 2020

    An Australian court hearing to rule on the release of the head of the country's largest IS branch, which had plotted the bombing of a major casino and sports stadium, has heard evidence revealing active, internationalized communications networks linking terrorists imprisoned in Austrialia with IS jihadist cells in the field in the Mideast. 

  • IS Militants Attack in Philippines

    December 07, 2020

    The Asia Times reports that Islamist militants in the IS-affiliated Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) staged a major attack on a town in the Maguindanao reigon of the Philippines, a stark reminder of the ongoing presence of Islamist radicalism.

  • UK Intel Expert Warns IS Planning Christmas Jihad Attacks in Europe

    December 07, 2020

    A former MI-6 deep-cover al-Qaeda undercover operative has warned European security experts that European states should be on high alert in the face of IS plans to perpetrate terrorist hits during the Christmas season.

  • Hezbollah Chief Heads to Iran for Protection

    December 07, 2020

    In a move that reveals Shiite Islamist ties, Hezbollah's Secretary-General will seek protection in Iran after a wave of recent targeted assassinations and drone strikes against Iranian and Hezbollah nuclear scientists and militant leaders.

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