Global Political Islam

  • Global Terrorism Report Shows Africa as Emerging Epicenter of Islamist Violence

    December 07, 2020

    The African Continent is emerging as the new geographic epicenter of violent Islamism, as a diverse constellation of competing jihadist groups take advantage of the continent's poverty, criminal networks, and failing states to expand Islamist extremist control in areas rich in natural resources.

  • Social Media Platforms in Indonesia Pitch Call for Jihad Following Hardline Imam’s Return from Saudi Arabia

    December 02, 2020

    Since the return of the head of the Islamic Defenders Front from Saudi Arabia, diverse social media platforms across Indonesia have been filled with videos calling on the country’s majority-Muslim populations to undertake jihad, raising concerns by the Jakarta government and domestic human right groups about intensifying Islamist militancy.

  • AEI: Turkey Uses Demographic Engineering to Spread Islamism from Eastern Med to Caucasus

    December 02, 2020

    Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute writes that, in a demographic engineering project that erases religious and ethnic minorities and replaces them with Islamists. NATO-member Turkey is using economic and political incentives, as well as military policy, to settle Islamist militants and their families in Kurdish, Christian, Yezidi areas from northern Syria and southeastern Turkey to Azerbaijan’s Nagorno Karabakh.

  • Turkey Expands Islamist Footprint with Weaponized Drone Technology

    December 02, 2020

    Turkey is deploying domestically produced weaponized drone technology to support the country’s Islamist expansionist foreign policy, integrating armed drones into the country’s broader military engagements supporting militant Islamism from Europe to the Arabian Gulf.

  • Boko Haram Slaughters 100-Plus Civilians in Latest Jihadist Episode in Nigeria

    December 02, 2020

    The Guardian reports that more than 100 civilians, mainly migrant farmers, in northeast Nigeria were violently murdered in a massacre attributed to the jihadist group Boko Haram, which, along with Islamist extremist rival ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province), continue to escalate attacks in the oil-rich African state. 

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