IS Khorasan Province Province Is Durable Jihadist Threat With Global Aspirations
February 08, 2023
The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) originated as a Afghanistan-Pakistan focused branch of the IS caliphate rooted in Iraq and Syria, and ISKP is proving both durable and ambitious as a jihadist threat, based on the violent successes of its regional operations and the sophistication of its online propaganda for recruitment towards a globalized Islamist jihad.
OIC Meeting Denounces Quran Burning in Europe as Islamophobic
February 06, 2023
An emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the 57-member-state Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that was held in Saudi Arabia at the request of Turkey issued a detailed communiqué condemning recent Quran burning in three European countries as racist-Islamophobic, invoking the UN Charter and the sharia-based OIC Charter as the bases for a detailed action plan by OIC missions, OIC member-state missions worldwide, and Muslims with European citizenship.
Courts Deliver Guilty Verdict to Michigan Man Who Fought for IS
February 06, 2023
A US District Court in Michigan found a Dearborn man born to Yemeni immigrants guilty on multiple counts of supporting the Islamic State (IS), based on his training, propagandizing, and fighting in Syria and Iraq with the Islamist terror group to establish a global caliphate, in a case underscoring the phenomenon of foreign fighters that reflects the transnational scope of IS.
Iranian Regime Blocks WhatsApp & Instagram with Accusations of Fomenting Anti-Regime Protests
February 04, 2023
Iran’s Islamic theocratic regime is continuing its crackdown on social media platforms, as the country’s Telecommunications Minister announced that WhatsApp and Instagram will be blocked because of their threats to national security as fomenters of the months-long anti-regime protests in response to the death of an Iranian Kurd women held in custody on allegations of violating the country’s sharia dress code for women, with this latest ban coming after the regime’s ban on Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, TikTok, and Twitter.
Islamist Ties Run Deep With Iran’s Direct Influence into Turkey’s Presidential Office
January 31, 2023
The official spokesperson and close advisor of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a long history of deep ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, which includes an active network of terror operatives and anti-Semitic publications that function inside Turkey, so that the linkages between upper echelons of the two Islamist regimes raises concerns about Iran’s access to sensitive Transatlantic Alliance security and intelligence information, given Turkey’s membership in NATO.