Global Political Islam

  • Indonesia's Military Anticipates Increased Threat Level from Islamist Militants

    November 25, 2020

    The Islamic Armed Forces (TNI) have closed ranks behind the country's president in anticipation of increased Islamist militant threats following the call for a "moral revolution" by the head of the country's radical Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), who has returned to Indonesia from his self-imposed exile in Saudi Arabia.

  • Iraq Braces for More Islamist Violence in Unstable Security Environment

    November 25, 2020

    In the face of the impending U.S. troop withdrawal and one year anniversary of the U.S. targeted assassination of Iranian General Soleimani, rocket attacks are escalating in Baghdad's Green Zone by Iranian Backed Shiite Militia.

  • Israeli-American Hit Reminds of Cooperation Between Al-Qaeda & Iran

    November 24, 2020

    A joint US-Israeli operation culminated in the assassination of al-Qaeda's (AQ) second in command in his safe haven of Iran, reminding of the strong financial and ideological ties between AQ's Sunni Islamist terror group and Iran's Shiite Islamist revolutionary regime, which facilitated AQ's high-casuality attacks on US targets in Kenya and Tanzania and 9/11 assault on the United States.

  • IS Terrorism in Afghanistan Continues Apace with US-Taliban-Kabul Peace Negotiations

    November 24, 2020

    The Islamic State branch in Afghanistan perpetrated a high-casualty rocket attack in the heavily fortified internationalized Green Zone in Kabul, signaling their ongoing commitment of imposing sharia law in Afghanistan as the US-Taliban-Kabu government peace negotiations continue.

  • Iran Makes a Show of Drone & Military Tech

    November 24, 2020

    The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps launched a heavy warship last week in a show of the regime's expanding domestic production of advanced military technologies, including a growing drone force to go with missile launchers and helicopters, signaling that Tehran remains committed to asymmetrical warfare as a mechanism for exporting the Islamist revolution. 

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