Turkey-Iran Deep Connections Draw on Shared Islamist Ideology and Criminal Activities
November 09, 2020
Although Iran and Turkey continue to compete for hegemony in the Middle East, Ankara and Tehran are cooperating against the West and their common adversaries in the region, with NATO member Turkey serving as the gateway to degrade Transatlantic values, institutions and laws.
Austrian Authorities Respond to Vienna Attack by Closing Two Mosques and Conducting Security Review
November 09, 2020
In the wake of a lone-wolf jihadist attack that killed four people in Vienna, Austrian security authorities have closed two mosques deemed a risk for promoting Islamist extremism and anti-Westernism and are reviewing intelligence lapses that failed to act on warnings about the attacker.
Turkey's Leadership Highlights Islamic Conquest & Glorifies Historical Crimes Against Religious Minorities
November 04, 2020
The glorification of Islamic conquest and crimes against religious minorities are the main themes in Turkish Leaderships public statements, with the country's president uses historical inflection points to celebrate the current Islamist regime's domestic human rights violations and foreign policy adventurism.
Philippines IS Branch Shows Durability & Resilience Despite Huge Counter-Terrorism Ops & Expenditures
November 04, 2020
The IS branch in the Philippines continues to demonstrate resilience and durability in the face of multi-million-dollar, US-Philippines counter-terrorism training and operations, using local-familial networks for recruiting and a combination of narcotics trade and hostage-taking to generate sustained financing.
Turkey Appeals to Islamists Accusing France of New Christian Crusades
November 02, 2020
Turkey's president is turning up civilizational discourse pitting Muslims against Christians, accusing France of "relaunching the Crusades" and guilty of "a culture of barbarity" in the aftermath of an Islamist beheading a French school teacher who showed his class satirical cartoons of Islam's prophet Mohammed.