BBC Investigation Uncovers Child Abuse in Sudan's Islamic Schools
October 21, 2020
An 18-month undercover investigation by BBC News Arabic in 23 has revealed extensive evidence of child abuse in many of Sudan's Sufi Islamic schools, including physical violence and sexual assault.
Beheading of French Teacher Highlights "Cyber-Islamism" as a Problem
October 21, 2020
Due to the role that social media may have played leading up to the beheading of a French middle school teacher by a Chechen Islamist for using cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed in a classroom discussion about free speech, French state authorities met with global social media company representatives to address the problem of "cyber-Islamism," which enables Islamist propaganda to be deployed on social media in order to incite violence.
Recent AJC Berlin Study Points to Hamburg Organizations as Platform for Radical Shite Islamism Across EU
October 19, 2020
The American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) branch in Berlin, Germany recently released a study of the transnational connections of the Islamic Center Hamburg to Iran’s theocratic regime, as well as to the Islamic Community of Shiite Congregations in Germany, as sources of anti-Semitic ideology and anti-democratic activities for the projection of radical Shiite ideas and operations across the European Union (EU).
Hamill-Stewart: Iran's Islamic Theocracy Intensifies Repression & Executions in Response to Pressures of COVID-19 & Economic Decline
October 19, 2020
Writing in Arab News, Christopher Hamill-Stewart explains that Iran's Islamic theocratic regime is responding to growing popular unrest due to their failure to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and economic collapse with intensified repression of human rights, including arrests, executions, and torture of dissidents opposed to the Islamist regime.
Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti Emphasizes Jihad in Wake of UAE-Bahrain-Israel Normalization
October 19, 2020
Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti has responded to the normalization in relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Israel by calling in the two Muslim-majority countries to remember the obligation jihad against Israel, arguing that Islamic legal texts lead to no other conclusion than the need to “fight against the thieving Jews” for their theft of demand that Israel’s theft of Islamic lands.