Global Political Islam

  • Islamist Violence Rocks Central Africa with Attack in Democratic Republic of Congo

    January 31, 2023

    Islamist militants continue their violent destabilization of the region of Central Africa, evidenced in the recent multi-casualty attack on a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that state security officials attribute to IS-affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an insurgent group operating across the Uganda-DRC border which, only two weeks ago, carried out a deadly attack on a DRC church.

  • Sharia Finance Shows Strong Growth Trends in Indonesia, World’s Largest Muslim Country

    January 19, 2023

    Capitalizing on its geographic position as the world’s largest Muslim majority country in order to archive the goal of becoming a global Islamic financial and economic hub, Indonesia’s government, along with the country’s Islamic Finance Committee, is moving actively to improve regulatory structures and transparency and to attract young fintech companies, already demonstrating positive trend lines in terms of both competitiveness and growth of a complex sharia financial ecosystem. 

  • Islamist Extremist Groups Use African Migration into Europe as Opportunity for Recruitment, Radicalization, & Violence

    January 19, 2023

    Global Islamist extremist groups are instrumentalizing migration flows from Africa to Europe as a tool for spearheading political Islamism and jihadism in European countries, with IS and al-Qaeda using sophisticated social media mechanisms to target vulnerable African youth migrants for radicalization and recruitment into what are intended as European cells that can carry out the full range the full range of Islamist operations in the countries of arrival.  

  • Controversy at US University Points to Influence of Islamic Laws, Threatening Democratic Freedoms

    January 18, 2023

    Democratic freedoms in American academe are being challenged by the influence of Islamic blasphemy laws rooted on fundamentalist interpretations of sharia law, evidenced in the recent controversy over a professor’s termination at a Minnesota university because she showed renderings of Islam’s prophet Mohammed in an online course on Islamic art, a move by the university administration that responded to some students’ claims of being offended by the Islamophobia act but that other faculty have condemned on grounds of intellectual and religious freedom.  

  • Iran Hangs British-Iranian National in Effort to Shut Down Domestic Unrest & to Signal Contempt for West

    January 17, 2023

    Iran’s Islamic theocracy executed a dual British-Iranian national accused of espionage, in a signal of contempt for Western warnings against the hanging and in an effort to send a message to nation-wide protestors that all forms of dissent will be met with maximalist measure to protect the Islamic Revolution. 

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