Global Political Islam

  • Joscelyn: U.S. Afghanistan Departure Gives Rise to Taliban and Al-Qaeda Global Jihads

    October 19, 2020

    According to Thomas Joscelyn, Senior Fellow and Senior Editor of Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Long War Journal, following the departure of U.S. operations after two decades, Afghanistan has become a base for the Taliban and al-Qaeda, who are working together using the South Asian country as a base for funding and coordination of international jihadists operations.

  • Islamist Hardliners Call for Overthow of Indonesia's Government Because of Proposed Economic Reform Bill

    October 19, 2020

    Hardline Indonesian Islamist cleric Habib Rizieq Shihab is calling on his followers in Indonesia's Islamic Defender Front (FPI) to overthrow the government in Jakarta, because of its proposed Omnibus Law , an economic reform overhaul that has spawned widespread popular protests in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country.

  • Kedar: Turkey Supports IS Sustainability & Muslim Brotherhood Durability

    October 19, 2020

    Writing at the website for The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Senior Researcher Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, expresses concern about NATO-member Turkey's Islamist government's commitment to the goal of a global caliphate espoused by the Muslim Brotherood, the sharing intelligence and provision of tactical support for IS operations in Iraq and Syria, and the provision of soft financial support to sustain caliphate operations.

  • Internet Decouples Islamist Radicalization From Territory

    October 19, 2020

    The use of diverse internet platforms continues to enable religious radicalization beyond territories controlled by local jihadist groups, with technology allowing the continuous dissemination of radical Islamist ideas and, therefore, requiring a multi-stakeholder response to early detection and monitoring strategies for countering Islamist extremism. 

  • UN Report Highlights Financial Efficiency of Al Shabaab in Funding Islamist Terror Operations

    October 19, 2020

    A new report by the UN Sanctions Panel on Somalia, which monitors compliance with international sanctions on the East African country, details the "super efficiency" of the Islamist terror group al Shabaab in its money laundering, funding of small- and medium-sized businesses, and intimidation-extraction rackets, all of which generate major cash returns used to fund the jihadist group's onngoing operations in Somalia.

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