West Point Report Reveals Details of IS Recruitment Tactics
September 30, 2020
The Combatting Terrorism Center of the US Military Academy at West Point released an analysis of key Tactical Interrogation Reports of the current leader of the Islamic State, offering important details about his radicalization-and-recruitment narrative.
Pakistan's Socio-Political Order Endangered by Growing Sunni Attacks on Shiites
September 30, 2020
Over the last month Pakistan has witnessed increased violence against Shittes as Sunni Islamists groups consolidate their efforts within the South Asian country, weakening social political cohesion and degrading security.
Expanding Jihadi Threat Across Africa Presents Security Threat to US
September 30, 2020
The US faces a security threat from jihadist groups all across the African Continent as they begin to capture state governance structures, export radicalism via migration flows to Europe, and work with state actors hostile to America's values and interests.
IS Militants Cause Massive Food Insecurity & Human Displacement in Mozambique
September 30, 2020
IS jihadists aiming to seize control over resource-rich Mozambique have displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians, creating massive food insecurity and the possibility of famine in the East African country.
Knife Attacks Near Charlie Hebdo Offices Follow Islamist Threats
September 30, 2020
Paris police have apprehended two suspects in a brutal knife attack on individuals near the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, following recent threats by international Islamist extremist groups to attack France during the ongoing trial of perpetrators of the 2015 assault on the magazine.