Iranian RegimeĀ InvestsĀ in Cultural Production Machinery to Propagate Islamist Revolution Across Generations
September 16, 2020
The Iranian regime has invested in vast cultural production machinery, including media tools, film and literature, to increase support for the Islamist revolution and nationalism.
United Front of Pakistan's Islamist Extremist Groups Endangers China's Belt Road Initiative
September 16, 2020
Islamist extremist groups operating in Pakistan have formed a united front that are using terror attacks to disrupt China's Belt Road Initiative projects in Pakistan as retaliation for China's repression of its Uighur Muslim population.
Turkey's Hagia Sophia Move Reveals Long Policy of Christian Cleansing and Neo-Ottoman Conquest Agenda in Europe, Asia, Africa
September 15, 2020
Turkey's Islamist regime's conversion of the World Heritage Museum of Hagia Sophia to a mosque reveals the century-long history of destruction of Christian sites and peoples in Turkey and sends a signal of Turkey's revisionist foreign policy for Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Indonesia's Islamic Clerics Gaining More Power with Expansion to Financial Sector & Consumer FinTech
September 15, 2020
Indonesia's political and social Islamization is now spreading to the financial sector (fintech) under the expanding purview of the Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI), which supports the "shariatization" of the country's economy.
Turkey & Iran Sunni-Shiite Islamist Regimes Unite in Anti-US Front
September 09, 2020
The two Islamist regimes of Turkey and Iran appear to be putting aside their respective Sunni and Shiite sectarian differences in forming a united front defined by a shared anti-American position, announcing "strong foundations for high level cooperation" that includes joint support for Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.