Global Political Islam

  • Amnesty International Report Details Human Rights Abuses by Iran's Islamic Regime in Crackdown on Protests

    September 08, 2020

    Globally recognized human rights group Amnesty International released a new report detailing widespread human rights abuses, including rape and arbitrary detention and killings of adults and children, that state officials of Iran's Islamic theocracy perpetrated in last year's crackdown against protestors challenging rising fuel oil prices and other economic measures.

  • French Security Head Warns of Extremely High Risk of Islamist Terrorism as Charlie Hebdo Trial Begins

    September 08, 2020

    The head of France's General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) warned that the country remains vulnerable to the "extremely high risk" of terrorist attacks by Sunni Islamists, based on thwarted attacks over the past several years and the current context of the start of the trial of individuals charged for the deadly violence in 2015 perpetrated against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

  • Charlie Hebdo Trial Highlights Free Speech and Free Press Tensions

    September 08, 2020

    As the Paris trial of accused perpetrators of the 2015 Islamist attacks on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo begins, President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the need for rigorous protections of speech, press, and thought freedoms, while, at the same time, avoiding "dialogues of hate."

  • Turkey Demolishes Church in Erasure of Christian Cultural Heritage

    September 08, 2020

    Turkey's Directorate of Foundations approved the demolition of the 19th century Greek Orthodox Church of St. George in the country's northwestern city of Bursa, continuing the acceleration of state policy of erasure of Christian cultural heritage under the current Islamist government.

  • Hamas Supports Proxy's Use of Explosive Balloons to Terrorized Israel

    August 31, 2020

    Gaza-based Islamist extremist group Hamas is supporting a proxy, Humat al-Aqsa (HAA), to use incendiary balloons launched from Gaza, along with more conventional mortar and rocket launches, into Israel, recorded in propaganda videos used by the HAA to recruit and radicalize members.

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