Global Political Islam

  • IS Jailbreak in Afghanistan Underscores Active & Diverse Radical Islamist Ecosystem in South Asia

    August 10, 2020

    The Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP), the Afghan franchise of IS, staged a major prison breakout for ISKP and Taliban extremists in the country’s eastern province bordering Pakistan, an indication of the resilient, active, and diverse ecosystem of jihadist groups cooperating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan space of South Asia. 

  • IS Genocide Against Yazidi Imperils Religious Minority Community

    August 10, 2020

    The Islamic State’s (IS) genocide committed against the Yazidi religious minority of northern Iraq’s Sinjar region has left the ancient community’s survival in peril, as the small number of survivors continue to live in refugee camps, families are fragmented by IS’ murder of male heads of households, women formerly enslaved by IS fighters struggle with trauma, and the children of rape of Yazidi women by IS captors confront rejection from the Yazidi community. 

  • Turkey's Islamists Reject Secularism and Hint at Caliphate

    August 05, 2020

    As Turkey's Islamist government converted the Hagia Sophia World Heritage Site into a mosque, the country's President is openly rejecting secularism as a sociopolitical mode and the government's base is hinting at a reinstatement of the caliphate. 

  • European Governments Consider Disengagement and Deradicalization Strategies to Mitigate Security Threats from Repatriation of IS Foreign Fighters

    August 05, 2020

    European governments dealing with the potential security threats associated with re-patriating citizens who became foreign fighters for the Islamic State (IS) are beginning to explore the importance of disengagement programs for prisoners and other returnees, especially women and children, as the optimal strategy for deradicalization and long-term reintegration into home-country societies.

  • Suffering of Yazidi Women & Children Exemplifies Long-term Damage by IS

    August 04, 2020

    According to a new Amnesty International report, Yazidi children who have been freed from captivity from Islamic State (IS) caliphate forces are suffering from profound mental and physical health problems deriving from their subjugation to the violent Islamists’ systematic rape, forcible conscription, psychological terror, and other forms of enslavement.

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