Suffering of Yazidi Women & Children Exemplifies Long-term Damage by IS
August 04, 2020
According to a new Amnesty International report, Yazidi children who have been freed from captivity from Islamic State (IS) caliphate forces are suffering from profound mental and physical health problems deriving from their subjugation to the violent Islamists’ systematic rape, forcible conscription, psychological terror, and other forms of enslavement.
Defendant Accused of Violating Pakistan’s Islamic Blasphemy Law is Murdered in Courtroom
August 04, 2020
A defendant on trial for blasphemy in a Pakistan provincial court was shot to death in the courtroom by an assailant who took responsibility for the killing because of the defendant’s claims that he was “the last prophet of Islam.”
IS Prison Strike in Afghanistan Reveals Fragile State & Competing Islamists
August 04, 2020
Islamic State (IS) militants staged a major assault on a prison in eastern Afghanistan, breaking out jihadist prisoners in a signal of rejection of the Taliban’s peace negotiations with the state and of the state’s inability to control the security environment.
Brit Who Fought Against IS Warns Against Returning Foreign Fighters Who Are Tip of Spear for Islamist Terrorism
July 30, 2020
A British volunteer who fought with the Kurdish militia against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria is warning the British government about the security threat posed by British citizens seeking return after they fought for the caliphate forces.
Turkey Is On Road to Becoming a Sharia State
July 28, 2020
NATO member Turkey is turning into a sharia state, with the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque just the most recent step in a series of foreign policy, societal, and political changes implemented by the Islamist regime in power in Ankara for the past two decades.