Algeria's Islamists Politicize Identity with Anti-Europe Push Towards Goal of Sharia Law
June 05, 2020
Algeria's Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamist Peace Society Movement is proposing a constitutional amendment that would criminalize the use of the French language in government institutions and documents.
UN Reports Population Displacement by Jihadists Active in Mozambique
June 05, 2020
Intensifying jihadist activity aimed at forming a local caliphate in the East African country of Mozambique is producing steady, growing population displacement, especially in the country’s natural gas-rich northern region.
American Islamic Groups Rally Behind Turkey’s Islamist President
June 05, 2020
Online celebrations marking the end of the Islamic holy period of Ramadan saw leaders in diverse Americans Islamic organizations celebrating the President of Turkey’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood Islamist government for his service and leadership of “the Muslim world.”
Finland Dilemma Shows Broader European Challenges with Repatriation of IS Fighters and Families
June 03, 2020
There remains no clear government program or societal consensus about the repatriation of former IS fighters and families to the Nordic country of Finland, which had a disproportionately high number of its conservative Muslim citizens leave to fight for the caliphate.
Turkey Pushes Islamist Arc with Maritime Geopolitics from Eurasia to Africa
June 03, 2020
Turkey’s Islamist government is using its bilateral relationship with Libya to push forward its goal of maritime dominance in the Black, Mediterranean, and Aegean Seas, in a geopolitical strategy for creating an Ankara-led Islamist arc linking Eurasia and Africa.