New Report on British Counter-Extremism Program Criticizes Funding to Pro-Islamist Groups
January 03, 2023
Leaked details of a forthcoming report on the British government’s flagship counter-extremism program, Prevent, indicate critique of failures in due diligence over funding for groups meant to prevent youth radicalization recruitment, given that support has been given to pro-Islamist organizations in civil society, with additional criticism level led at the Prevent program for minimizing Islamist extremism versus the focus rightwing extremism.
OIC Conference on Islamic Courts of the World Convenes in NATO-Member Turkey
December 28, 2022
The Islamist regime of NATO member-state Turkey hosted the first annual judicial conference of the 57-member-state OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), with focus on combatting Islamophobia-as- racism as a central plank of the countries’ constitutional and/or supreme courts.
Resurgent IS Remains Security Threat for 2023
December 28, 2022
International security experts warn that the Islamic State’s (IS) loss of core caliphate territory in Iraq and Syria has not eliminated the global threat posed by the Islamist extremist group on 2023, given the operational strength and geographic scope of IS branches and affiliates worldwide and especially in light of the clear and present danger that Turkey’s invasion of northern and eastern Syria will enable a tens of thousands of IS militants and sympathizers to go free from prisons currently guarded by pro-West Kurdish forces.
Taliban Continue Crackdown on Women with Ban on Female NGO Workers
December 26, 2022
Afghanistan's Taliban sharia regime continued its targeted crackdown on women, with an announcement by the Minister of Economy ordering the suspension of work by all foreign and local female NGO (non-governmental organization) aid workers justified on the grounds of Islamic dress code requirements.
Taliban Leaders Defend Ban on Women From University
December 26, 2022
Afghanistan's Minister of Education doubled down on the hardline Islamist regime's decision to ban women from university study because of alleged violations of sharia dress code, reacting to external criticism of the decision as foreign interference in the country's domestic affairs and supporting harsh security crackdowns on male and female student demonstrations that have followed the decision.