ADL Report Points to 2019 Jump in Arrests for Domestic Islamist Extremist Activity in US
May 20, 2020
A newly released report by international non-governmental organization Anti-Defamation League details a 50 percent increase in 2019 arrests for Islamist extremist activity inside the US.
Muslim World League Blames Muslim Brotherhood for Radicalization of Muslims in West
May 20, 2020
The Secretary General of the Muslim World League, a pan-Islamic non-governmental organization (NGO), has criticized the Muslim Brotherhood as the main source of radicalizing Muslims in the West.
Perpetrators of Attack on Afghan Maternity Hospital Underscore Lethality of Islamist Extremist Ecosystem
May 20, 2020
The Taliban have denied responsibility and the local Islamic State branch has remained silent regarding this week's slaughterhouse attack on a maternity hospital in Afghanistan's capital city, but experts on Afghanistan's Islamist ecosystem concur that the attacks bore the hallmarks of both extremist groups.
Afghan Civilians Die as Warring Islamist Factions Cause Carnage in Attacks on Maternity Hospital, Funeral Cortège
May 13, 2020
Civilian casualties continue to mount in a series of attacks by warring Islamist extremist groups in Afghanistan, as IS militants launched suicide bomber assaults on a funeral procession and a public market on the same days as a lethal attack targeted a maternity hospital in an area the capital city where the Shiite Hazara minority is concentrated.
Jihadists Expand Online English-Language Magazines for Radicalization & Recruitment
May 13, 2020
Both Al-Qaeda and Islamic State have expanded their online propaganda presence with the launch of three new, English-language magazines aimed at radicalization and recruitment with both local and global jihadist aims.