Hezbollah Aims at Lebanon’s Central Bank in Bid to Control Financial and Banking Systems
May 13, 2020
Shiite Islamic extremist group Hezbollah is using its political clout in Lebanon’s government and society in a power grab over the country’s Central Bank, aiming for full institutional control over the country’s financial and banking systems and for advantages to Hezbollah deriving from the Central Bank's asset positions in the Mideast, Europe, and the United States.
Turkey’s Islamists to Host and Manage New Media Clearing House for OIC Member-States
May 13, 2020
The Parliament of Turkey's Islamist regime approved last month the establishment in Istanbul of a clearing house forum for media agencies from all 57 member-states is the Organisation of Cooperation (OIC), putting the world’s largest jailer of journalists in a coordinating role for the international media organizations and government media agencies operating in the OIC.
Jihadist Asylum Seeker in Europe Underscores Importance of Border Infiltration as Security Concern
May 13, 2020
The recent apprehension of a European IS fighter crossing into the European Union under disguise as an asylum seeker has renewed attention by the EU's Border and Coast Guard Agency, with important lessons for US officials, of the need to prevent border infiltration by jihadists and Islamist extremists.
Rights Group Measures Turkey’s Islamist Regime as Leading Violator of Press Freedoms
May 06, 2020
According to the 2020 World Press Index issued by global rights group Reporters Without Borders, Turkey's Islamist regime ranks as one the worst violators of media freedoms by measures of censorship and purges of reporters.
IS Remains Resilient With Another Lethal Attack in Egypt’s Sinai
May 06, 2020
IS branches conducted a recent lethal attack on Egyptian military targets in the Sinai Peninsula, part of continuing violence directed at the Egyptian government and targeting the country’s vulnerable minority populations such as Coptic Christians.