Taliban Ignore Coronavirus Pandemic and Ramadan Holiday to Advance Jihadist Goal of Control Over Afghanistan
April 28, 2020
Sharply increasing their attacks this week on government and civilian targets in Afghanistan, the Taliban have demonstrated their jihadist commitment to capturing the South Asian state, ignoring the Islamic holy period of Ramadan, the public health challenges of coronavirus mitigation, and the commitment to the peace deal recently signed with the United States.
German Court Begins Trial of IS Militant for Genocide and War Crimes Against Iraq's Endangered Yazidi Minority
April 28, 2020
A German court has begun the trial of an Islamic State (IS) militant accused of participating in the jihadist group's effort to exterminate the small and vulnerable Yazidi religous minority in Iraq.
Hezbollah Ramps Up Islamist Financial and Procurement Footprint in Europe
April 28, 2020
Disruptions in the international oil market have pushed the Iran-supported, Lebanese Shiite extremist group Hezbollah to rapidly expand its existing financial and procurement operations in Europe.
UK Counter-Terrorism Officials Warn COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Risks of Islamist Recruitment and Radicalization
April 28, 2020
Experts managing the UK's signature counter-terrorism program, Prevent, are raising concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic is creating hospitable conditions for a rise in recruitment and radicalization to Islamist terror organizations and other extremist groups.
OIC Convenes to Reconcile Islamic Law with COVID-19 Science
April 22, 2020
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) met virtually to provide guidelines for the 57 member-states representing the worlds 1.8 billion Muslims about how to reconcile traditional Islamic sciences with modern science and guidelines in combatting the spread of the coronavirus.