Algeria Looks to Expand Islamic Finance to Compensate for Collapse in Oil Revenues
April 08, 2020
Algeria’s government is moving aggressively to expand Islamic finance options as a means of compensating for the collapse in global oil prices during the coronavirus pandemic, establishing a Sharia Board for issuing Fatwas against the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) member’s Islamic Finance Industry.
Saudis Use Cyber-weapons for Surveillance Campaign Inside US
April 08, 2020
A whistleblower with knowledge of Saudi Arabia's three largest telecommunications companies indicates that the Sunni Islamic fundamentalist regime is weaponizing its global mobile phone technologies for a systematic surveillance campaign targeting Saudi nationals inside the United States and other countries, towards the goal of taking retribution against real and perceived opponents of the Islamist monarchy.
Council on American-Islamic Relations Loses Pressure Campaign to Prevent Speaker on Islam at US Army War College
April 06, 2020
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) failed in its efforts to prevent the US Army War College's Heritage and Education Center from hosting a speaker on the history and present state of Islam, Islamism, and war.
Pakistan Detains Four Islamists Acquitted for Murder of US Journalist Daniel Pearl
April 06, 2020
Following U.S. and international human rights groups’ outrage over the decision by a Pakistan court’s acquittal and early release of the four Islamists convicted of the 2002 kidnapping and beheading of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl, local authorities in Sind Province have detained the men, citing concerns that their release could produce actions detrimental to the country.
Report: IS Plans to Exploit COVID-19 Pandemic as Jihadi Opportunity
April 06, 2020
According to a report by the International Crisis Group, IS propaganda platforms are urging its Islamist extremist followers worldwide to gear up for attacks on “Western Crusader Nations” whose preoccupation with COVID-19 prevention offers an opportunity for jihadist strikes.