Pakistan Officials Fuel Islamist Violence by Sunni Muslim Majority Against Hazaara Shiite Minority for Spreading COVID-19
April 06, 2020
As Pakistan authorities accuse the country's Hazaara Shiite minority of spreading the COVID-19 virus, members of the country's Sunni Muslim majority are targeting them for violence as the source of the "Shiite contagion."
Canadian Woman Lured by IS to Syria Details Jihadist Recruiting Strategy
April 01, 2020
A Canadian woman supporter of IS who is now seeking repatriation from a detention camp in Syria details the combination of sophisticated recruiting and brutal repression used by jihadists to enmesh Western women in the jihadist project.
Indonesia's Islamic Sects Advocate Niqab Coverings for All Women
April 01, 2020
The range of born-again Islamic sects across Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, are promoting the full-body-full-face covering of all women under the niqab, a practice that has raised concerns among the country's political democratizers as a sign of growing social pressure by hardline Islamists.
Nordic Monitor: Coronavirus Pandemic Fuels Hate Speech in Turkey
April 01, 2020
According to the Nordic Monitor, the coronavirus pandemic has fueled hate and xenophobic speech in the predominantly pro-government Turkish media, which accuses the usually targeted groups and countries including Jews, the Gülen movement and the West of being the source of COVID-19 and spreading the virus among Turkish society.
Jihadist War in West Africa Intensifies as Boko Haram Perpetrates Mass Casualties at Chad Military Base
March 25, 2020
Militants part of the Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram perpetrated a mass-casualty attack on a military base in the neighboring West African country of Chad, signaling the expanding footprint of violence by various Islamist groups fighting to impose sharia states across the the region.