Global Political Islam

  • IS Afghanistan Attacks Sikh Minority Worshippers in Kabul

    March 25, 2020

    IS suicide bombers and gunmen in Afghanistan perpetrated a multiple-casualty attack on worshippers in a Sikh temple Kabul, the most recent in a spate of attacks by the Islamist extremists against the religious minority group in Sunni Muslim-majority Afghanistan.

  • Turkey Pursues Domestic Islamization Agenda with Moves to Church of Hagia Sophia into Mosque

    March 25, 2020

    The Islamist government of NATO-member Turkey took another step in its aggressive Islamization policies that include converting the historic Byzantine Orthodox Cathedral into a mosque, with the Islamic call to prayer being practiced from the minarets imposed on the church that will be activated as the “Grand Hagia Sophia Mosque.”

  • US Military Translator Charged with Passing Defense Intel Secrets to Hezbollah

    March 25, 2020

    A US military linguist with a top security clearance working with American Special Forces in Iraq has been charged with passing names of human intelligence assets and information to the Shiite Islamist group Hezbollah via a contact in Lebanon, sharing troves of data that compromise national defense and security interests.

  • AQ Congratulates Taliban for “Defeat of U.S.” and Pledges Allegiance to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

    March 24, 2020

    Al-Qaeda command has heralded the Afghan Islamist extremist Taliban’s Doha Agreement with the United States, presented by Washington as a peace deal to end two decades of war in Afghanistan, as a jihadist victory over the West, and pledged allegiance to Taliban Emir Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada as head of a new sharia state in the South Asian country and as the leader of global jihad.

  • Islamism and Geopolitics Fuel Rising Iran-Pakistan Tensions in Volatile South Asia

    March 24, 2020

    South Asian security trends under the new leader, Ismail Qaani, of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ("IRGC"), indicate a degrading of the volatile regional security environment, due to measurable escalation in tensions at the Iran-Pakistan borders, the consequence of Islamist sectarian competition between Iranian Shiite and Pakistani Sunni militias for jihadist recruits.

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