Global Political Islam

  • Qatar's Corruption Campaign for World Cup Exposes Broader Influence-Building by Gulf Islamist Regime

    December 26, 2022

    The expanding scandal regarding Qatar's influence-building effort to secure the just-completed World Cup event in Doha has laid bare the broader malign activities of the Gulf Islamist regime, which, for decades, has systematically used its wealth not only to provide material and financial support to jihadi groups worldwide, but also to accrue soft power in Western countries by shaping media narratives through Qatar's Al-Jazeera global network and by influencing ideas and leadership through investment in university programs and by capturing hard power through investment in key infrastructure sectors such as energy.   

  • Lethal Attack on Iraqi Police Reflects Durable IS

    December 26, 2022

    IS militants posted news on their Telegram social media channel of their lethal attack on Iraqi police officers in Kirkuk, an oil-rich, major city north of Baghdad, with the explosive attack and gunfire against Iraqi security forces signaling the durability and resilience of the Islamist extremist group's threat in their former caliphate territories.

  • Turkey's Invasion of Syria Benefits Islamist Extremists

    December 26, 2022

    Turkey argues that its invasion of northern Syria aims to eradicate Kurdish enemies of Ankara, but according to Arabnews, the most significant winners are Islamist extremists affiliated with a reconstituting IS, since Turkey's attacks on the US-affiliated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will weaken their bulwark against IS radicals.

  • Pakistan Faces Hostage Negotiation Crisis with Islamist Militants

    December 19, 2022

    Islamists militants from the Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) have taken hostages in their seizure of a highly-fortified, state counter-terrorism center in the northwestern region of the country bordering Afghanistan, and negotiations are underway with between the militants and state authorities regarding hostage release and the Islamists’ safe passage to Afghanistan, in a crisis underscoring both the TTP’s ongoing war to make Pakistan a sharia state and the robustness of Taliban Islamism as a regional disruptor in geopolitically volatile South Asia. 

  • World Islamist Groups Will Meet in Indonesia on Legal Reform According to UN Charter

    December 19, 2022

    Islamist organizations from around the world will meet in Indonesia in early 2023, convened by the country’s Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) under the auspices of the G20’s Religion Forum 20, to discuss Islamist jurisprudential reforms to conform with the UN Human Rights Charter, in a gathering that will inevitably require resolution of the incompatibilities between sharia law and the UN Declaration of Human Rights and that comes at a moment when NU faces criticisms at home and abroad for supporting Indonesia’s proposed legislation that would curtail social and political rights in line with sharia prescriptions. 

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