Social Stigma and Guardianship Laws Are Ongoing Roadblocks to Women in Saudi Theocracy
March 18, 2020
Women in Saudi Arabia’s Islamic theocracy report increasing freedoms in legal-formal terms since notable liberalization moves in the last year around rights to drive and work, but some laws continue to limit women as equal citizens in the Sunni Islamist kingdom.
Jihadists Target Energy-Rich East Africa, With Focus on Mozambique
March 18, 2020
Various jihadist groups are ratcheting up their three-year trendline of attacks on energy extraction and processing operations East Africa, particularly targeting Mozambique, the region’s emerging leader in natural gas resources and liquefaction.
UN Lauds Interfaith Iraqi Religious Leaders’ Statement on Justice and Empathy for IS Victims and Legal Accountability of IS Perpetrators
March 18, 2020
The leadership of UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh (IS) has lauded Iraqi religious leaders’ for issuing an interfaith declaration aimed at reconciliation and durable peace-building in post-Islamic caliphate Iraq.
Attacks on International Women’s Day Marchers in Pakistan Should Raise Alarm about Scope of Islamic Extremism
March 18, 2020
The physical and verbal attacks by Islamic fundamentalist groups on International Women’s Day marchers in Pakistan underscores the decades of growth and consolidation of sociopolitical power of Islamic extremist groups in the nuclearized South Asian country that is crucial to the global effort to thwart Islamist fundamentalism and jihadist violence.
MENA Islamist Authoritarians Weaponize Coronavirus Threat for Geopolitics
March 18, 2020
The authoritarian Islamist regimes that dominate the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are weaponizing the coronavirus threat for purposes of domestic political repression, to shut down protests for regime reform and to target opposition voices for arrest.