Resilient Al-Qaeda Leads Globalized Salafist-Jihadist Movement
March 16, 2020
The recent US-Taliban peace deal reveals the reality of a resilient, resurgent al-Qaeda (AQ), the Taliban’s main partner, as leader of a globalized, relentless Salafist-jihadist movement.
Pakistan’s Islamist Hardline Flex Power by Attacking International Women’s Day March
March 16, 2020
Groups from Pakistan’s broad spectrum of hardline Islamist groups flexed their social muscle in their recent disruption of a women’s freedom march in the country’s capital city.
USAID Highlights Importance of Economic Assistance to Counter-Radicalization
March 11, 2020
An internal document of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) underscores the importance of America's foreign economic assistance programs as a tool for combating Islamist radicalization.
US and OAS Warn of Increased Islamist Terror Activity in the Americas After Suleimani Killing
March 11, 2020
Government officials from the United States and its fellow member-states of the Organization of American States (OAS) are warning that Iran and its main Islamist proxy, Hezbollah, are likely to increase terror attacks in Latin America to avenge the January 2020 US drone strike killing of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps leader Qassem Suleimani.
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Shock Troops Mobilize Against State Failure to Manage COVID-19 Spread
March 11, 2020
The leadership of Iran's Islamic theocracy have placed their shock troops, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), on high alert in anticipation of growing public panic about the state's management failures and misinformation about the epidemic spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) across Iran.