Al-Shabaab Jihadist War in Kenya Targets Schools & Teachers, Forces School Closings
March 11, 2020
Somali-based jihadist group al-Shabaab has ratcheted up its cross-border war in Kenya, with a spike in targeted attacks on schoolteachers on the Kenya-Somali border leading to the closure of Kenyan schools in that area and leading to the further disintegration of state control.
Hezbollah Tries to Hold Lebanon Economic Hostage
March 11, 2020
Iran-supported Shiite extremist group Hezbollah, the largest political party and paramilitary group in Lebanon, is holding the Lebanese government hostage by declaring its refusal to participate in negotiations for a possible economic bailout plan of Lebanon from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Turkey's Weaponization of Migrants Diminishes Humanitarianism and Raises about Massive Influx of Muslim Populations into Europe
March 11, 2020
Turkey's Islamist regime has weaponized migration by massing huge numbers of migrants at Europe's external borders, a move that politicizes Islamic identity and thereby diminishes the development of a balanced approach to humanitarian needs and the migration of large numbers of Muslim migrants into Europe.
Islamism Intensifies in Indonesia's Identity Politics
March 11, 2020
Indonesia's domestic and foreign policies are demonstrating an increasing trend towards Islamism, evidenced in the growing sectarianism in the country's domestic elections and politics of identity, as well as in the Jakarta government's effort to accommodate pressures from homegrown radical Islamist groups on foreign-policy issues.
Egypt Sites Geopolitical Threats of Radical Islamist Sectarianism in New Ban on Shiite TV Channels and Websites
March 11, 2020
The Egyptian state's high court has imposed a ban on Shiite Islamic television channels and websites, in a legal ruling explained as preventive action to thwart the threat of spreading Islamist sectarian extremism inside Egypt.