Hamas Using "Honey Trap" Spyware to Entrap and Hack IDF Phone Data
March 05, 2020
Hamas is using cyber "honey traps" of dating and associated sites to target Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers, in order to deploy spyware into IDF smartphones and capture data that can be utilized by the Palestinian Islamist political-military group in the ongoing conflict between the Gaza-based group and Israel.
Sunni and Shiite Islamist Groups Threaten Survival of Iraq's Christians
March 03, 2020
Sunni and Shiite Islamist extremist groups active in Iraq, including IS and its underground operatives and Iran-supported Shiite Shabak militias, are endangering the return, daily security, and longterm survival of Iraq's ancient Christian communities, whose numbers have plummeted in the face of sustained Islamist wars to capture Iraqi territory.
Pakistani Islamist Groups Stand in Favor of Polio Vaccine
March 02, 2020
The leading Islamist councils and groups in Pakistan have taken a public stand in favor of child polio vaccination, supporting the country’s Ministry of Health campaign for polio eradication.
Proliferation of Jihadist Groups Is Committed to Global Sharia and Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons
March 02, 2020
The range of Jihadist groups operating with a vision for global sharia law and a concomitant commitment to acquisition of nuclear weapons to achieve that goal represents a rejection of the Westphalian state order.
US-Taliban Agreement Leaves Open-Ended Questions about Islamism and Geopolitical Competition
February 26, 2020
The impending formalization of a US-Taliban peace agreement that rests on the quid pro quo of a US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in exchange for the Taliban commitment to renounce Afghanistan as a platform for global projection of Islamist extremism leaves open a range of implementation challenges.