Africa's Sahel Region Emerges as Major Front in Global Islamist Terrorism
February 26, 2020
The spiking trend of jihadist activities across Africa's Sahel region is threatening to make this western and north-central region of the African Continent a major front in the projection of global Islamist terrorism.
Macron Highlights European Challenge of Non-Violent Islamism's Program of Radicalization and Social Separatism
February 26, 2020
French President Emmanuel Macron's recent declaration of his government's strategic policy against political Islam lays bare the European-wide challenges of radicalization, social fragmentation, and democratic weakening generated by non-violent Islamism.
Turkey's Islamization and Cultural Homogenization Proceeds with Announcement of Historic Conversion of Greek Orthodox Church to Mosque
February 25, 2020
The Islamization and cultural heritage assault on Turkey's Christian minority communities is accelerating under the country's ruling Islamist party, with the recent announcement by state's highest administrative court that the historic Greek Orthodox Church of Chora, which contains some of the most celebrated Byzantine frescoes in Christianity, will be converted to a functioning mosque in 2020.
French President Pledges to Tackle Political Islam as a Source of Separatism and Violence
February 25, 2020
The run-up to local elections in France is the context for the public pledge by France's President Emmanuel Macron to tackle the intersecting problems of political Islam, religious separatism, and foreign funding aimed at radicalizing the country's Muslim communities through preaching in mosques.
Global Terror-Finance Watchdog Keeps Focus on Islamist Extremism and Criminality
February 25, 2020
The latest recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global watchdog agency responsible for standards-setting and regulations to combat terrorist financing and money laundering, underscored the linkages between violent Islamist networks and criminal finance activities by blacklisting/graylisting the Islamic theocratic regimes of Iran and Pakistan.