Chinese New Year Celebration Highlights Growing Strength of Islamists among Malaysia’s Muslim Population
February 11, 2020
Malaysia’s state religious authority censured a group of local mosques for permitting Chinese New Year’s celebrations as a “sign of disrespect” to the country’s Muslim population, a signal of the growing strength of conservative Islamists in the ethnically and religiously diverse East Asian nation.
Lewis: British Authorities Struggle with Islamist Deradicalization Programs
February 11, 2020
The recent spate of violence in Britain by Islamists released after supposedly successful completion of the country’s prison deradicalization programs is drawing security officials’ renewed attention to the failures to understand the societal and mental health drivers of, and possible solutions to, Islamist radicalization.
Domestic and Foreign Policy Problems Encourage Reformists to Critique Iran's Islamist Hardliners
February 05, 2020
Iran's protracted economic crisis and escalating foreign-policy hostilities with the United States have catalyzed calls by reformist currents in both civil society and the Islamist clerical establishment for the resignation of the country's president and a critique of the political and economic mismanagement of the "deep state" Islamist and military hardliners who dominate the regime.
U.S. Special Inspector's Report on Afghanistan Identifies Intensified Islamist Extremist Threat in 2019
February 05, 2020
A new report by the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction indicates that the threat from the Taliban and other Islamist extremist groups in Afghanistan reached a record high in 2019, with widespread violence and high casualties against both civilians and government sites producing an ongoing humanitarian crisis and volatile security environment in Afghanistan and the broader geopolitics of South Asia.
U.S. Prosecution for Sanctions on Halkbank Reveals Turkey-Iran Islamist Regime Cooperation in Criminal Activities
February 05, 2020
The proposal by U.S. prosecutors in New York for massive daily fines against Halkbank, the second largest public lender in Turkey, for contempt of court in a case involving fraud and money laundering, reveals possible cooperation by Iran and Turkey in a criminal operation that violated U.S. sanctions legislation against Iran's Islamic theocratic regime.