Global Political Islam

  • With IS Caliphate War Meeting Defeat in Philippines, Government Will Remain on Jihadist Threat Watch

    December 13, 2019

    President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines announced the forthcoming lifting of martial law on the island of Mindanao after the national military's victory, facilitated by US and Australian intelligence support, in a two-year war against IS affiliated militants fighting to impose a local caliphate, but he cautioned that the longterm security threat from Islamist extremist groups to aiming to penetrate and expand into East Asia will require sustained military-intelligence vigilance.

  • Women Resort to Fake Marriages to Escape Islamist Extremists in Syria's Idlib Province

    December 13, 2019

    The imposition of extensive, sharia-law restrictions on women's rights and freedoms imposed by the al-Qaeda-affiliated, and then, IS-affiliated, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in control of Syria's Idlib Province has led to women to resort to fake marriages with men across the border in Turkey, a path fraught with dangers of illegal border crossings, cash payments, and possible confinement by the new "spouse."

  • London Bridge Attacks Highlights Hegemonic Threat of Islamist Extremism

    December 11, 2019

    The aftermath of the recent terror attack on London Bridge by a supporter of al-Qaeda and IS has seen United Kingdom (UK) law enforcement and security officials emphasize that Islamist extremism remains the hegemonic security threat to Western and global stability, especially given evidence of the failure of prison de-radicalization programs designed to rehabilitate convicted Islamist radicals.

  • Islamist Hardliners Use British Blasphemy Laws as Tool for Religious Discrimination & Intimidation

    December 11, 2019

    The use of de facto blasphemy logic by hardliners in the Bristol Muslim communities to intimidate, discriminate against, and silence exponents of religious diversity is a growing threat to Britain’s public order and security, as evidenced in the steady rise in cases of violence against religious minorities.

  • People Flogged Unconscious Under Sharia Law Punishments in Indonesia

    December 10, 2019

    The regions of Indonesia that are governed by sharia law apply punishments that include public flogging for crimes of premarital and extramarital sex, exemplified in several recent cases where individuals were beaten unconscious in public cainings that have been condemned by Amnesty International Indonesia as “cruel, in human, and degrading” forms of punishment.

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