Global Political Islam

  • Islamist Militants Gain Ground in West Africa with Latest Massacre in Mali

    November 22, 2019

    Militants from the Islamic State's West Africa affiliate (ISWA) carried out a massacre with high casualties and wounded in Mali, in the latest episode of a steady increase in Islamist violence across West Africa's "G5 Alliance of states, with attacks perpetrated by local IS and al-Qaeda forces that are gaining steady ground in the ideological and military war against the region's fragile states.

  • IS News Agency Reports Attack in Algeria

    November 22, 2019

    The IS leading news outlet is reporting that IS soldiers are responsible for an attack on Algeria's security forces in a clash that produced casualties and destruction of materiel, in a development that hearkens back to IS declarations in 2014 about the establishment of an Islamist caliphate beachhead in the North African country.

  • Iranian Regime Responds to Economic Protests with Internet Shutdown

    November 20, 2019

    Under siege in days of protests by its own citizens frustrated with skyrocketing fuel prices and general economic malaise, Iran’s Islamic theocratic regime has doubled down in its civil liberties repression by imposing three days of near-total internet shutdown aimed at silencing protesters and preventing organizers of public dissent. 

  • Islamic Finance Industry Poised for Growth in Philippines

    November 12, 2019

    Sharia-compliant financial instruments and banking opportunities are expected to expand significantly in the Philippines, following the government’s push to expand financial inclusion of the country’s significant Muslim minority population and to attract capital for investment in infrastructure projects. 

  • Bangladeshi Government Bans Another Islamist Extremist Group in Effort to Counter Radicalization & Violence

    November 12, 2019

    The government of Bangladesh has banned an Islamist extremist group, Allahr Dal (Allah’s Party), after security officials discovered a terrorist plot and a prison-break plan for the group’s leader, with the outlawing of the party underscoring the growing threats from domestic Islamist extremism in the South Asian nation. 

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