Global Political Islam

  • Popular Anti-Government Protests in Lebanon Underscore Domestic Divisions Among Islamist Sects

    November 05, 2019

    The weeks of unflagging popular protests in Lebanon have included citizens from all communities in the country’s religiously plural ecosystem, but the Sunni-Shiite Islamist sectarian divides have been highlighted in the popular furor over corruption exemplified by the country’s Sunni president linked to patron-state Saudi Arabia and large Shiite constituency represented by Iran-supported Hezbollah. 

  • Radical Islamism Constitutes Sustained Threat in Southeast Asia

    November 01, 2019

    Government leaders across Southeast Asia are cautioning about the paradoxical boost to IS recruitment, popular support, and operations in the wake of the recent death of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, with state officials from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines warning that IS remains a sustained threat to security.

  • New Report on Human Rights Abuses in Iran Identifies Judiciary

    November 01, 2019

    A new report by well-known US think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies analyzes the type, scope, institutional mechanisms and primary perpetrators of human rights abuses in the four-decades-regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, indicating the crucial significance of the judicial system in twisting rule of law through sharia principles that restrict foundational civil and political liberties codified in international law.

  • US CENTCOM Chief Briefs Pentagon on IS Resilience

    November 01, 2019

    The head of US Central Command (CENTCOM) has briefed the US Defense Department about the ongoing threats from IS inside Syria, even in the aftermath of the death of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, emphasizing that the durability of the Islamist entity's ideology and resilience of IS capacity requires US troops to "continue to maintain a presence and partnershi" with Kurdish forces to prevent IS' recapture of revenue-generating oil fields in eastern Syria.

  • Saudi Arabia Uses Soft Power of Religious Diplomacy with Albania to Spread Islamist Ties

    October 30, 2019

    Officials from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia touted the signing of a bilateral memorandum of understanding with Albania for cooperation on joint cultural and scientific projects, calling the cooperation on Islamic works with Muslims in the Balkan state as a means by which the Saudi Wahhabi theocracy uses diplomacy to promote "the true image of Islam as a religion that rejects extremism and terrorism."

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