Global Political Islam

  • Paris Knife Attacker Linked to Radical Islamism

    October 08, 2019

    French police are reporting that one of the assailants in this last week’s fatal knife attack in Paris had radical Islamist sympathies, maintaining connections to fundamentalist Salafist groups after his conversion to Islam and expressing his support for perpetrating Islamist violence like the high-casualty  Charlie Hebdo attacks in 2018. 

  • Iran-Related Islamist Sectarianism Is Nested in Days of Anti-Government Protests Destabilizing Iraq

    October 07, 2019

    Embedded in days of violent protest in Iraq against the government's corruption and failures to rebuild infrastructure and generate employment is an Islamist sectarian battle, as many protesters have come out against the overweening influence of Iran's Shiite theocratic regime evidenced in Iranian leaders' threats to target Iraq as a putative client of the United States and in the weakening of the predominantly Sunni composition of the Iraq armed forces vis-a-vis Iran-backed militias.

  • Mideast Islamist Regimes Are Key Players in Great Power Geopolitical Competition in Horn of Africa

    October 07, 2019

    The intensifying Great Power competition for political-economic and military influence in the Horn of Africa includes active involvement of Mideast Islamist regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Turkey, so that the geopolitical landscape will be shaped by competing Islamist forces linked to material interests.

  • UN Report on Child Casualties in Islamists’ War in Afghanistan Underscores Cross-Generational Damage of Islamist Extremism

    October 07, 2019

    A report by the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General cited the Taliban and IS militants that are warring for control over Afghanistan for the majority of the “alarming,” four-year spike in lethal violence against children, as well as a steady increase in sexual abuse, child trafficking, and radicalization-recruitment of male and female children, underscoring the reveals the cross-generational costs of Islamist extremism. 

  • Brit Foreign Fighter’s Limbo Reminds of Complexities in Trials for Western Jihadis Who Joined IS

    October 07, 2019

    The British-Canadian dual citizen known as “jihadi Jack” remains in legal limbo in a Kurdish-run detention camp in northern Syria for captured IS, as the unwillingness of either UK or Canada to allow his return for trial is a reminder of the ongoing legal complexities facing Western governments whose citizens went to the Mideast to fight for the caliphate. 

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