Global Political Islam

  • Taliban’s Chilling Effect on Afghan Elections Shows Impact of Violent Islamism On Politics

    September 30, 2019

    The Taliban’s unwavering objective of consolidating an Islamic state in Afghanistan involved the tactical spike of lethal attacks against civilian and government targets in the run up to the weekend elections for president, and along with public threats of more violence, succeeded in producing the lowest voter turnout in the country’s history since the start of this millennium. 

  • US Indictment Points to Hezbollah's Sustained Penetration Efforts

    September 27, 2019

    Iran-supported Islamist extremist group Hezbollah continues to develop its penetration strategy for conducting terror operations on American soil by relying on US immigration weaknesses to build up sleeper cells for financing and logistical activities, as evidenced in the details of a recent indictment of a US citizen by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

  • Headscarf Controversy Erupts Again Over School Trips

    September 27, 2019

    The Islamic headscarf as a source of controversy in France erupted again when the Minister of Education critiqued the country's largest parents association for featuring a headscarfed mother in a brochure for school trips, with Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer characterizing the photo as in keeping with Frances secularism law but as regrettable within the context of the broader debates about the headscarf and religious dress in public educational spaces.

  • Taliban Violence Likely to Spike with Weekend Presidential Elections in Afghanistan

    September 27, 2019

    This coming weekend's presidential elections in Afghanistan are likely to produce a spike in violence by the Islamist extremist Taliban, as the group looks to keep voters from polls and to undermine even a modicum of democratic politics in the Southwest Asian country.   

  • Indonesia's Democracy Under Pressure from Diversity of Islamist Groups Committed to Sharia State

    September 25, 2019

    Indonesia's democratic polity faces growing pressures from both sides of the country's Islamist political spectrum, as pro-al-Qaeda groups view elections as a mechanism for gradually capturing the state, while pro-IS groups condemn democratic elections as secular heresy.

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